end-of-year refuge bin book stats/numbers, 2014, mostly complete + visual supplements

Total discarded first-year books (The Center Cannot Hold: My Journey Through Madness by Elyn Saks): 3

HARWOOD bin (data collected 5/16 1:15 a.m.)
Number of books: 26
Height of stack: 20 inches
Most common book: None
Smallest book: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, 4x7″
Largest book: Statistics for Business and Econonmics, 8th Edition by Carlson Thorne, 8.5x11″

stack: pic 1  pic 2  pic 3

WIG bin (data collected 5/16 1:45 a.m.)
Number of books: 45 total, 12 hardcover
Height of stack: 41 inches
Most common book: How to Find A Habitable Planet by James Kasting (2)
Smallest book: Titanic: The Long Night by Diane Hoh, 4.5x7″, tied with Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson
Largest book: Introduction to the Practice of Statistics, 2nd Edition by Moore, McCabe & Craig, 9x10″

stack: pic 1  pic 2  pic 3

MUDD–BLAISDELL bin (data collected 5/16 2:00 a.m.)
Number of books: 69
Height of stack: 60 inches
Most common book: Nuevos Horizontes by Gilman, Levy-Konesky & Daggett
Smallest book: Andromaque by Jean Racine, 4.5x7″
Largest book: The World of the Cell, 7th Edition by Becker, Kleinsmith, Hardin & Bertoni, 8.5x11″

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